Try this 2 minute exercise to more calm

What sensations are present in your body right now?

If you’re not sure, start at the top of your head. Then scan slowly down to your face, your jaw, your mouth, your throat. As you scan, relax every part that you pass over. Slowly scan your shoulders, your arms, your hands. Scan your chest, stomach, lower abdomen. Scan down your legs, your knees, your feet, your toes, relaxing as you go.

What sensations did you find? Choose one and focus on it. Maybe it’s in your chest. What colour is it? How much space does it take up? Is it moving quickly or slowly? Is it hot or cold or somewhere in between? What is its texture? If you gave it a colour, what colour would it be?

After you have a good description of it, try to make it more intense. How intense can you make it?

As you focus on the sensation it will act like the tide coming in and out. It will get more intense, then it will diminish, then it will come back but less intense, then it will diminish again, come back, then go away.

To our lower brains, uncomfortable emotions signal danger. We will try to distract away from them, ignore them, numb them. So it can take a little concentration to just feel and process them.

However, feeling and processing them is actually soothing. It can bring us back to a state of calm.

Try it and let me know how it goes!

If you liked this exercise, you will probably like my Stop the Overwhelm class. Click here to get it for free!